Featured Collections

Our Solutions tailor made for with each individual to understand specific needs


Curly Hair

Our products are versatile and last for a very longtime after purchase


Colored Hair

Our products are versatile and last for a very longtime after purchase


Wavy Hair

Our products are versatile and last for a very longtime after purchase

Featured Products

Assert your feminity with confidence using MYHAIRMYCROWN Products

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MYHAIRMYCROWN Nigeria for the luxury woman.

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MYHAIRMYCROWN Nigeria is an internationally known brand offering retail & sales of 100% human hair that is completely natural, of the highest quality, collected ethically from hair donors in Asia.

Our goal is to provide our customers consistent access to a variety of unique MYHAIRMYCROWN Nigeria products that are versatile and that last a very longtime after purchase…

More about us

Contact Info

Talk to us
Toll Free: +234 803 938 5064
No 207 Odili Road, by fulfilling word church, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat 9 am to 8 pm  
Sun – 10 am to 3 pm

Enquiry Form
